Hornets Baseball Diamond Dinner

Sacramento State University

To raise money and bolster support for their growing baseball program, the Sacramento State Hornets of Sacramento State University host a high-profile auction dinner once a year. The dinner is an opportunity for the University to showcase its upcoming roster, season forecast, and overall goals for the program. The event features distinguished keynote speakers from the baseball and sports broadcast communities and high-value bidding items like vacations, signed collectibles, and box seats and suite accommodations at major league stadiums. Commuter developed an overall branding approach that elevates the event to reflect the class and sophistication that the dinner represents. The branding included the development of style standards and whole cloth custom designs and graphical elements for an invitation, a registration flyer, and a 12-page event program. The design was created to be modular and flexible so dates, body text, auction items, and speaker highlights may all be updated year-after-year.