Media Kit + Calendar

DreamWorks | Captain Underpants
For the launch of streaming TV show DreamWorks The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants, we created an activity kit promo mailer that included supplies and instructions on how to make your own sock puppets of lead characters, George Beard and Harold Hutchins. We also produced a premium collectible calendar that resembled a roll of toilet paper (“TP” is a big theme in the show). The TP roll was a roll of stickers that consisted of individually designed, perforated tear-away pages for each day of the year, along with a few intro pages. Each month was themed with a different comic book featured in the show (written and illustrated by George and Harold, of course) with each day in that month having unique, original artwork from the comic book. Along with the calendar, we designed a custom box to hold and feed the TP while sitting on a shelf or desk.